Saturday, February 25, 2012

Five Tips to Consider in Choosing Costa Rica Vacation Rentals

A lot of families and individuals find it difficult to plan for a vacation. But if you have the right tools and organizational skills in mind, it is actually a lot easier to do, especially when looking for Costa Rica vacation rentals. Preparing beforehand and in advance helps a lot to getting the best deals, so make sure to study and do research about the vacation rentals. This keeps you away from making the wrong choices but instead guide you in choosing the Costa Rica vacation rentals that match your needs.

Ask to view actual photos of the vacation rental.

Don't settle on what's posted on the website; most of them are Photoshopped. Request to see the latest photos especially the interiors and the rooms. You can also rely on what's in the online reviews, books, magazines, and newspapers because they are pieces of honest and decent information about the place.

Prepare a list of your likes and dislikes.

Your likes and dislikes should be listed so you know what to prioritize. The size of the room? The location? Or perhaps the cost? It's up to you. Having a set of guidelines to look through when looking for the perfect vacation rental helps you pick the right but affordable home away from you.

List the activities that you love to enjoy.

Aside from the features of the vacation rental, also list down the activities that you want to do. This will help you locate for Costa Rica vacation rentals nearer on activity hotspots. Snorkeling, scuba diving, or swimming? Choose vacation rental that's accessible to these destinations. Don't forget to consider the availability of transportation from the airport and the main road for safe and easy transport to and from your destination.

Consider your options

Make as much as five alternatives and look for a vacation rental that offers flexibility in scheduling with alternate dates so you can book punctually. It is a huge time saver and frees you from the hassle of checking or calling for the available from time to time.

Deal with the owner or rental manager.

This gives you better chances of enjoying excellent services and amenities at a less than market value cost. Always prepare with a set of questions so you it's easier for you to compare what's on the table while not forgetting the important details.

Once you have made your plan, you're one step nearer to enjoying the best that your Costa Rica vacation rentals have to offer.

The Things That You Need to Do To Make Your Costa Rica Family Vacations Enjoyable and Complete

Looking for something new to spend and enjoy this summer? Why not go on a trip to Costa Rica and have fun with the exciting Costa Rica family vacations. With the premier beauty of the seascape that the Caribbean Sea on the east and expansive beauty of the Pacific Ocean, has to offer, there is every reason why you should make a visit to Costa Rica. It is indeed a perfect a vacation destination for families and friends. Environment-conscious travelers will find this amazing tiny Latin American country a true respite thanks to its lush greenery and unadulterated forest that earned the country the moniker the Greenest Country in the World.

For a tiny country as big as the state of Alabama, it is pretty interesting to note that locals and the government exert their efforts to do their best and save Mother Earth. That is why Costa Rica remains splendid, with its active volcanoes that imbues a panoramic view to mangrove swamps, jungles, rainforests, and cloud forests where unique species call home.

The Government Protects Costa Rica's Wildlife

It has been the duty and passion of the Costa Rican government to protect its wildlife and environment. In fact, the country shuns industrial development and commercial interests in favor of tourism through its rich wildlife. Costa Rica has 20,000 square miles, and boasts that 75 percent of this is protected wildlife, while 12 perecent of the total land area are protected national parks, biological reserves, and wildlife refuge. This outstanding efforts of the Costa Rican government has landed the country the record for being the richest in the world in terms of wild life, sheltering more than 600 species of butterflies, 850 species of birds and a list of exotic mammals including the three-toed sloths, tapirs, coatis, giant anteaters, peccaries, and wild cats. All these make Costa Rica a favorite for Costa Rica family vacations.

The Most Popular Tourist Attractions are also Ideal for Costa Rica Family Vacations. The long list of destinations that anyone will want to see and enjoy are perfect for family outings and get togethers. The list begins but it virtually doesn't end. So it's up to you to visit, explore, and know Costa Rica at its very best while you are enjoying quality time with your wife and kids during the Costa Rica family vacations.

How to Never Forget your Surf Vacations in Costa Rica

Surf vacations will delight you and provide you with a rejuvenating experience that will make your vacation truly a one-of-a-kind moment to remember. Of course, any successful getaway is made by the right planning and timely reservations, as such any wrong move will surely ruin your event. That is why make sure that you get your plans ready in advance so that no hitches and glitches will come your way.

If Costa Rica lures you to come then why not head to this beautiful tropical paradise? With its dozens of resorts that dot the shore-- a lot of them actually at par with world-class standard— you will have a very unique that will get learning the trades of surfing no matter how expert or amateur you are.

Top Spots To Enjoy Surf Vacations in Costa Rica

Jaco and Tamarindo are two most popular surf vacations destinations. Jaco can be found in the Central Pacific Coast while Tamarindo is on the North Pacific Coast. Both amateur and professional surfers can have their share of enjoying the best that surfing has to offer, although many more surfing destinations are spread all over the country. For example, seasoned surfers prefer to go away from the noise of popular resorts so they'd rather surf on the remote coastal areas. The waves are bigger and higher here and the, more breathtaking! With more than 700 miles of pristine coastline and thousands more breaks, what more could ask for if you are a surfer? Definitely, this is one spot to behold!

Unlimited Options for Accommodations for Surf Camps in Costa Rica

To cater to the demands of the millions of visitors who visit Costa Rica, more and more accommodations and Costa Rica surf camps have opened, intimate as inn and grand as a resort alike, providing peerless service to comfortable amenities to all who want to enjoy a relaxing evening after an activity-packed day.

World-Famous Destinations

The North Pacific Coast is filled with popular surfing beaches including Tamarindo, Playa Grande, and Avellanas. Meanwhile, the Central Coast also offers equally breathtaking spots, especially in Jaco, Manuel Antonio and Hermosa.  Although the South Pacific Coastline has fewer options still resorts here, like Dominical, Matapolo, and Pavanos provide excellent surfing experience for amateur and expert surfers alike.

Seven Reason Why You Shouldn't Skip a Costa Rica Surf Camp Vacation

Plan for a trip this summer to the Costa Rica surf camp and you will find yourself relaxed and rejuvenated with the hundreds of destinations that offer relief from the usual stress of day-to-day living. Costa Rica surf camp prides of its clean coast lines and serene seascape, indeed, a healing balm for the worn out body and battered soul.

Costa Rica Rica surf camp is simply irresistible so here are seven top reasons why you shouldn't skip a trip here.

1. The Costa Ricans are hospitable and friendly.

Most of the Costa Rica surf camps are locally-owned. Choose these over foreign-owned one because there is where you get the real Costa Rican hospitality. Although surf camps are actually training grounds for those who want to take a quick grasp of surfing, guests can get more than what they want, with snippets of trivia about local history, culture, and language thrown every now and again.

Enjoy learning the language

It is always fun to learn to speak Spanish. This you will enjoy when you are at a Costa Rica surf camp. Aside from surfing, your day to day conversation with your trainer will get you immersed and loving the Spanish language. You will even do a favor if you ask locals to coach you to learn local language!

Enjoy the best that local treatment has to offer.

Costa Ricans are popular for their warmth and hospitality. No vacation is complete without making friends with locals, who are naturally cordial and respectful towards visitors. Don't be surprised to get an offer for dinner with local friends. That's what they are towards foreigners that is why they never lost the affection of vacationers.

Become a part of the world's “happiest country.”

Aside from being the home to happiest people, Costa Rica is also the greenest country in the world. Its lush forestry and rich wild life is home in a thriving flora and fauna that remain unmatched by any country in the world. The government and locals are hand in hand in spreading and maintaining their concern for the environment. They are active in seaside cleaning and tree planting activities.

Unlimited surfing activities

Surfing is all-year round, so it's alright to come here anytime that you desire. If you want to escape the freezing winter, head south and Costa Rica will warm you up with the surf camp activities that you will enjoy.

Variety of Surf Camp Costa Rica

There are dozens of surf camps to choose from, so you'll never go out of accommodations or places to learn surfing.

Topnotch Service and Value

Above everything else, Costa Rica surf camp is renowned for the world class service and value that never fails to satisfy vacationers and give them a value-for-money and unforgettable surf camp Costa Rica experience.